
# Quote Text
1 in our eyes, and out our ass.
2 floor milk
3 no man sleeps with a banana next to his bed.
4 there's a banana in the restaurant!! everyone get out!!
5 my hands are having a good time.
6 what do you think about my ham collection?
7 i'm going to clean my hand... with the sock.
8 put your mouth where your words are.
9 keiko thinks i'm kinda cool... right?
10 it's his natural skill controlling my hands.
11 your mom was like spaghetti last night.
12 Cloud is treating me well. Treating me like a chicken nugget
13 I just got sucked.
14 he doesn't got a mouth, but he's got an asssss
16 Open up the anus!!!
17 if u do, read more wattpad and ao3 its always best content esp 18+ mafia stories - Cher
18 10/10 would fuck again - Cher
19 that was one b e e g cock. - Hexen
20 You can come over and see the peepy any time you want
21 move your cock, get outta here
22 There's a reason I choose the nude. Im not a sadist