
Command Description
!about Hello, I'm Isophene! I'm a vampire from Australia who plays horror games and enjoys sleeping 🦇
!ads Ads play automatically once every 40-60 minutes, I am unable to turn them off completely ~ sorry for the inconvenience :(
!badjoke Someone said they wanted to hear a bad joke?
!bay pro apec gamer desu ~ isopheHappy
!bitrate Returns the current bitrate of the stream
So anyway, I just started bonking!
!bttvemotes List all the channel emotes on BetterTTV
!collab No collabs at the moment CurseLit
!discord To find exclusive fang pics, join the discord :)
Burns the stream
!followage Display a users current followage
!followers Display the current follower count
!forecast Display the weather forecast for a location
Give iso a headpat ~
!jen Our lovely resident trash mammal also does da stream ~ check out for sum comfy vibes and good times
!joke If you like gambling n shamblin you'll love zoke ~ Check him out at
!keiko ✨ Keiko is a beloved older sister and sussy artist who created our sub badges ~! Show her some love at
!lurk IsopheneBot rolls away into the bushes, thanks for coming by <3
!monkee PowerUpL Monke PowerUpR
!moontone Moon-Tone can be found here:
My bgm is a mix of Moon-Tone (!moontone) and wirebeats (!wirebeats) CurseLit - Current song can be found with !nowplaying
The upcoming stream schedule can be found here
Give iso a headpat ~
!patchnotes The 6.7.1 patchnotes are now live! Bots no longer tickle each other, changes to visual terror radius and pig BUFFS!?!
!praise Praise is a super friendly and wholesome cat ~check her out!!
!pronouns He/Him - but I'm not too fussed!
Get a random quote
!raisu Give this stinky artist a follow at ~ Raisu is an incredible artist who makes very sus art NODDERS
🎶🗿 the best singer on all of twitch - follow OR ELSE! 🗿 🎶
!rules Just use common sense and be excellent to each other <3
Iso has died 127 time(s)
!seiso isophenee is 0% seiso today ~ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
!shion crazy fox does the singing, cozy games and genshin ~
!shrine [fetch]
!slap IsopheneBot tried to slap isophenee but hit themselves
!specs I'm currently using a custom built PC with a Ryzen 5800x, a 3080 and 32gb of ram :O
!steam My steam friend code is: 228429401 <3
!teako teako is cool peepoHappy teako is cool peepoHappy teako is cool peepoHappy teako is cool peepoHappy teako is cool peepoHappy
!time July 15, 2023, 12:33:48 PM Australian Eastern Standard Time
!tip You've already given enough by just being here ~ No need to tip <3
!ttsinfo The TTS on this channel uses custom AI voices to say messages. You can currently change the voice by putting "dagoth: ...", "gladdos: ...", "david: ..." or "jordan: ..." (without quotes or ...) before messages.
!twitter Iso tweets about random stuffs ->
!uptime isophenee is currently offline.
!wirebeats Wirebeats can be found here
Command Description
!bokksu Opens up a box, just for you!
Command Description
!end Ends the stream after [..........]
!regen Regenerates the command site
!tts TTS Commands